ServusNet process enormous amounts of data into decisions. Site Performance Analysis Complex Availability Calculations End of Warranty Assessment Identifying Performance and Outage Drivers Isolating Serial Defects, Adverse Trends and Anomalies Operations Team Task Prioritization Large Volumes and Inconsistent Quality Multiple Data Types (Statistics, Alarms, BOP) and Conflicting Definitions Limited Analytics Capability Performance Patterns and Site Wind Regime Outage and Reliability by Subsystem and Component Work Order and and Spares Consumption Integration Data Integrity Analysis Tools Operational and Contractual Availability Alarm Correlation and Trending Automated Regulatory Reporting Extensive Range of Correlation and Anomaly Detection Algorithms Increased Asset Performance Higher Uptime Quantified Revenue-Impacting Incidents Prioritized Potential Critical Issues Analysis and Reporting Overhead Eliminated Informed Decision-Making Targeted Corrective Actions More Effective Evaluation of Upgrade Investments Automated Monthly and Regulatory Reporting Better Utilization of Precious Maintenance Team Resources In-Warranty Health Check End-of-Warranty Assessment Estimation of Return on Yield Enhancement Investments Data-Driven Due Diligence Production and Availability Anomalies Component Failure Profiles Event Timelines and Clusters Power Curve Anomalies Yaw Error Distributions Blade Condition Turbine and Site Performance Dynamics Wind Regime Characterisation High Wind Speed Behaviour Micro-siting and Topographic Effects Curtailment Rate and Curtailed Power Predictive Maintenance Strategies Performance Upgrade Investments Sector Management Implementation Reliability and Corrective Actions About ServusNet ServusNet was founded by a team of experienced software engineers and data scientists who understood that the energy sector was experiencing the data deluge that had already occurred in other industries. In particular, wind turbine fleets were, and still are, generating large volumes of data, yet isolating the critical performance, reliability and revenue drivers remains a real challenge. We created software tools and solutions to unlock the value in this data to help manage assets more effectively and provide insights to guide fleet investment decisions. We offer an extensive range of analytics services designed to investigate specific issues and opportunities. We employ diagnostic analysis as well as modelling and simulation techniques to help evaluate the business cases around performance upgrade features, energy scheduling and complex asset behaviour. Contact Us Phone: +353 21 7304649HARVESTING ACTIONABLE INSIGHTS FROM MACHINE,
Asset Performance
Is my Lost Production due to Poor Turbine Performance?
Which Turbines are Least Efficient?
How Does Wind Direction Affect Production?Reliability and Availability
Which are my Least Reliable Turbines?
Do I have a Serial Defect in the Fleet?
Which Components Drive Down Availability?Yield Improvement
Should I Implement Sector Management?
Will Blade Upgrades Significantly Improve Production?
What’s the Benefit of Enhanced Power Curve Characteristics?Operational Efficiency
What are Highest Priority Tasks for my Ops Team?
Are my Warranty Services Effective?
How do I Adopt a More Proactive Maintenance Strategy?
Grid Scheduling
More Accurate Commits to System Operator
Reduced Exposure to Balancing CostsRevenue Driven Maintenance
Fine tune Maintenance Planning by Turbine
Minimise Revenue ImpactEnergy Trading
Increased Day-Ahead and Intra-Day Market Participation
Trade Higher Proportion of OutputGeneration Portfolio Balancing
Schedule and Trade Mixed Fossil/ Renewables Portfolio
Optimise Fuel Mix to Reduce CostsServusNet Solutions
Wind Operations Analytics
Investigative Analytics
Verification of Production, Availability & Wind Regime Targets
Analysis of Performance Against Key Performance Indicators
Evaluation of Performance, Availability & Serial Defect Trends
Owner or Investor Transactions
National Software Centre,
T12 K5CY
Republic of Ireland.
Email: info@servusnet.com